Monday, July 13, 2009

CPS Draft?

Should schools actively recruit black male teachers like an NBA draft?

Did you know...
One in four CPS students is an African-American boy, but just one in 16 teachers is an African-American man. And the percentage of black male teachers is on a downward spiral, creating a teaching gap despite evidence that African-American boys benefit from the presence of male role models with similar backgrounds.
Read more about this article at Catalyst Chicago.

"Shout Out" to Mr. Evans for doing his thing...


  1. An HBCU in the south (can't recall the name off hand) has a program called "Call me Mister" in which they recruit African-American males to major in education and become teachers. Might add something to the conversation.....

  2. Anon, thanks.

    Call me MISTER was established at Clemson University and has expanded.

    Do you think this program should be expanded?

    Should school districts offer to pay signing bonuses like other industries?
