Friday, September 11, 2009

You Don't Miss Something Until It's Gone

I miss classrooms with A/C. It gets HOT in Room 409, especially with the afternoon sun from the West. In my two previous schools we had A/C. Being cold was actually the issue at those schools.

Speaking of missing things, I also miss having my OWN classroom. Now, I share a room. I feel like a nomad roaming the halls hoping I brought all of my stuff.

Other than that, we had a pretest in class today. How did you do on the problem that was similar to the Bellringer?

Here was the Bellringer:
Solve for x, 2x + 4 = 24
a. 0
b. 14
c. (I forgot)
d. 10
e. (I forgot)
One student suggested 14 was the best answer. Another demonstrated how they got 14. She added 4 to both sides (to try to eliminate the 4), and got 2x = 28. She then divided by 2 to get x = 14. That's when several other students disagreed...We eventually got our answer: x = 10.

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